Tuesday, August 15, 2017


In my dream, I found myself interviewing God.

"Do you mind if I interview you?" I asked.

God smiled gently, "My time is eternity. What questions do you have?"

So, I continued, "What surprises you most about humankind?"

God replied with wisdom:

"I'm amazed they rush through childhood longing to grow up, only to yearn for their lost youth."

"They sacrifice their health to make money, then spend their money trying to regain their health."

"They worry endlessly about the future, forgetting to live in the present."

"They live as if they'll never die, then die as though they had never truly lived."

God then held my hand, and we sat in silence. Eventually, I asked,

"As a parent, what lessons do you want my children to learn?"

God answered sincerely:

"To understand that they can't force love but can allow themselves to be loved."

"To avoid comparing themselves to others; each is unique."

"To practice forgiveness, knowing wounds heal slowly."

"To value not what they need, but what they have."

"To recognize that love exists even when it's not expressed."

"To appreciate that perspectives differ."

Before concluding, I asked,

"Is there anything else you wish my children to know?"

With a loving smile, God replied,

"Just let them know that I am here, always."

Thursday, March 20, 2014


    I humbly confess I'm not perfect, but in my deepest trials, I find solace in speaking with God. One such moment etched deeply within me is the eve of November 12, 2005.

    During those days, a crisis besieged my soul, defying scientific explanation. Exhausting all earthly means, I clung steadfastly to my trust and faith in the Most High.

    With trembling hands, I poured out my heart to Him:

    "Lord, being mindful of You each day restores my shattered soul. You are Prince of Peace and Compassion, guide me through every trial. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, navigate my journey amidst misfortunes. Though I may falter to the snares of evil, Your boundless Mercy surpasses all my sins. May my monthly confession liberates my mind and lightens my burden.

    I face deep troubles, Lord, grappling with inexplicable ailments. I never imagined such afflictions would befall me. Alongside a friend aspiring for priesthood, I implore Your Holy Spirit to guide my doctor with wisdom. Anxiety suggests a psychosomatic illness. Is it right to consult a psychiatrist? Am I losing my sanity? Episodes of imminent danger, physical symptoms akin to heart attacks or strokes, and a myriad of other afflictions plague me. It's overwhelming. Muscle tension, numb extremities, bloated stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, severe nervousness, panic attacks, dizziness, migraines, blurred vision, gastro-esophageal reflux, yet lab results show nothing amiss. Every day, I face these challenges. Hopelessness looms, and I cry out for Your mercy, humbly prostrate before You.

    Why am I prescribed antidepressants intended for severe cases? In my small way, I commit to regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Mornings find me playing basketball or jogging in our backyard, finding solace near Your church. Tending to my garden and aquarium uplifts my spirit, marveling at Your creations. I believe in Your compassion, enabling me to manage my illness, though the aftershocks linger. Help me, Lord, to live fully and without hindrance, especially in my role as a parent. My greatest desire is to nurture my children's faith in Your infinite goodness, ensuring they carry Your wisdom into their future. For me, the essence of life is to seek Your Kingdom, finding solace in Your embrace at life's end."